We translate and localize your projects from English or from Italian into German. We only translate into our mother tongue as this is the only way in which we can guarantee fulfilling your quality requirements. If you need help for other language combinations, we are pleased to help you find a suitable translator.
A good translation must be perceived by the reader as if it had been authored in their own language. Another prerequisite is the translator being able to call upon specialized knowledge of the respective area. This applies in the case of information technology, in which software applications and their documentation must never puzzle the reader, but rather simplify their task. It also particularly applies in the case of video games, where localized games unfortunately so often gain added “entertainment value” because of content that is incorrectly translated. Whoever localizes games should know their way around and be able to work from experience. We both have a passion for games and are fully familiar with all genres of games and gaming platforms.
You will be provided with comprehensive advice and service and support throughout your localization project. At the beginning of the project, we will deliver an analysis of all translation requirements, together with a detailed and transparent project and cost plan. We subsequently translate your text material professionally, taking into account all formatting and codes. It goes without saying that we use and refer to all reference material provided by you (e.g. previous translations, style guides etc.), as well as your specific company or product-related terminology.
In the course of our work, we use state-of-the-art hardware and office software, as well as the latest translation memory, terminology administration and localization tools, so that the consistent use of terminology is maintained throughout the project and the processing of complex data formats can be simplified. Where desired we can, of course, also work with specific software applications of your preference.
In the case of extremely large volume projects, we make use of trusted professional colleagues. In such cases, all translated text material is then reviewed in detail by a further translator in order to ensure accuracy and consistency.
If required, your texts can also be reviewed by an additional translator, as well as being run through an additional QA process following DTP processing/compiling.
You will receive the final translation by e-mail or FTP, or if you wish on paper by regular mail or on another data carrier.
© 2007 - solocal.de